Home Death Family Mourns: Carson Zender, Former Football Player At Lakota High School Died...

Family Mourns: Carson Zender, Former Football Player At Lakota High School Died In Accident


Carson Zender, a former football player at Lakota High School unexpectedly passed away. Zender died in an accident. Zender was described by loved ones as most caring, loyal, strong and hardworking person anyone can come in contact with.

Alysia Yonikus stated on Facebook – “Words can’t describe how heartbroken I am to be writing this. I still can’t believe you’re gone. You were always the life of the party. You always knew how to make me smile even when I didn’t want to you knew how to bring out the best in people. We love you always Carson and we miss you so much. I’ll never forget the memories we made growing up and getting into trouble like always. Thank you for always being there and being an amazing friend and showing me what it was like to have a family. I’m forever grateful I got to be apart of your life.”

Our thoughts are with the individual’s family, friends and loved ones as they navigate this painful loss. Details regarding service and memorial will be provided when it becomes available


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